Sunday, December 11, 2022


 In case I become famous,

I must have you in handy,

So that she'll sigh "Why did I miss this dandy?"

In paintings, I see you in elan,

in cheques, very sober, rather than.

It's tainting,

people do forgery,

their values are fainting,

I mean it, very very.

You are strong yet weak,

I still don't understand that streak.

My sign is Latin and Greek,

even to the geek!

To some, you are like ECG,

Shall I compare thee?

Nay, you are way too sleek!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Mini Series | Why you should write.

 Reading makes an ideal man, they say.....but writing is said to make an exact man (and woman)

Gaining knowledge through the vistas of a good book is one of the wise ways to spend one's early 20s and to sweep out boredom.

I'd read somewhere that youth is not a time for languishing in pleasure but a time for adventure. Always on, and on in search of new ideas, perspectives and dimensions of understanding anything and everything of the world around. 

And what better way to adventure than to read (and write)!

As one of Amazon's bookmarks says "the bliss of being lost in another's imagination..." Quite true that.

All the ideas garnered and the opinions established tend to get you mentally saturated. And I have found that one way of bringing down that fatigue is to share with others what you have gained.

Interestingly, this exact saying is attributed to Goddess Saraswati of Hinduism: 

             "Knowledge when hoarded, is reduced but when shared, grows"