Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Time for Nature (Poem)

Garbage garbage everywhere,

Not a spot clean.

Is this habit of pollution

Within our gene?


“Cleanliness is Godliness”,

Where has that jargon gone?

I’ve heard it since provenance;

Since pollution was born.


We should blame ourselves,

It is our shame

As we treat our environment insane.


You now know cleanliness wins,

When we throw our trash in the bins.


Our homes 🏠are beautiful when it’s clean,

So why don’t we work as a team👪?

To make the surroundings gleam✨.


It’s up to you, it’s your choice,

So come on, change your poise

And “keep your surroundings clean”

Teach this virtue to our teens.👦👧

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