Saturday, November 19, 2022

Mini-series | Characteristics of an Ideal Student

 In Sanskrit Literature, a student is encouraged to build up 5 habits: (with inputs from Gaur Gopal Das- a lifestyle coach and monk)

1. Kaaka Chesta : Efforts of a crow

Most of us have read about the story of the thirsty crow that quenched its thirst after a relentless pursuit of hard work putting stones into the pitcher. Similarly, a student needs to work hard like a crow to satisfy his/her intellectual thirst for knowledge and wisdom.

2. Bako Dhyanam: Focus of a crane

A crane is known for its keen eye on the fish. It waits patiently for a big fish, letting go of the smaller ones. Similarly in life, we need to let go of smaller and trifle issues that distract us and keep an eye on the bigger things in life like education, family and society- that too a keen, intense and focused eye.

3. Schwaana Nidra:  Alertness of a dog

A Dog is said to be alert even in its sleep. An alert mind is a pre-requisite for wisdom and knowledge for it enables us to do our work and carry on our dharmic duties 

4. Alpahari: 

Literally, it means to "eat less". Metaphorically it means to keep a watch on the inputs from our 5 senses. In other words, let only noble thoughts come from every side.

5. Grihatyaagi: 

Again literally it means to "leave home". Metaphorically, it means to leave our comfort zone as that is where the magic of growth and abundance lies.

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